End of the Movie!!

Who gave Bernstein and Woodward the information that helped confirm their story?

What was the final outcome of their investigation?

What are your thoughts on the movie? Did you like it? Why or why not?  Did it change the way you view journalist?

Assignment 5/3

Today in our movie, the reporters got a lot closer to the truth. Explain what happened in the movie today. Who is John Mitchell, Stans and Halderman. What role did they play and how did "Woodstein" get to the facts? Did they have the facts?  How did our segment end today?

Sorry that it's late. I will let you answer in the beginning of class tomorrow before we finish the movie.

Mrs. W

assignment 3

what did you hear or learn today in the movie?

i learned that there were two reporters who worked tirelessly to get some type of confirmation of what they believed to be true. i have to admire how hard they worked and how long they kept at it, in spite of their boss and the public.

what did you see or learn?

question from today! Tuesday

Who is Kenneth H. Dahlberg, and what is his relation to the money in the scandal? 

-additionally, give me your thoughts on how the internet has made life so different for those who do any type of investigative work.

The question is: what is watergate? How did Woodward and Berstein get involved in the story behind watergate?

blogging and you

Blogging...it is now a verb. "Blog" is short for weblog or web log, which is a frequently updated online journal that shows entries in reverse chronological order. I saw this loose definition of a blog given by Blogger, the blog software service owned by Google ( I don't necessary agree with this but the majority of the free world does).  "A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world. Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules".

Now this is where I have to make a statement! A blog is on the internet and it is forever and that is the only rule you need to know. It won't go away and 99% of the time it is public. Now, I don't really agree with this definition for the sheer fact that I don't ever believe that you want your personal, private thoughts to be out "there" for all to read and comment on, so I will try to teach you how to be a safe digital citizen.

The internet and free web publishing tools (blogs, wikis and websites) enable the average joe to double check the media's facts. You can write about a sporting event that you watched online, or take video, snap a photo and post them online.

All The President's Men - Assignment

Your first blogging assignment will be to blog each day that we view the movie "All The President's Men". You will need to comment on a question that I post after we watch each movie segment.  Please post your thoughts on the "technology" that the reporters used during their investigation. If this were to happen today, how would their research be different?  Explain.

Remember, this is an extension of our class and is subject to the same grading process. This blog is public and you need to remember to post only comments about the items discussed in my post.